7 Things to Do for Your Business During COVID-19 Pandemic
You might have heard about the recent outbreak of Novel corona virus, commonly called COVID-19 is making its way to the various nations across the world. The world is shaken by the new Corona virus, Covid-19. Emergency prevails across. With nearly 16,600 causalities and almost 384,540 are infected worldwide, governments and local authorities are taking drastic measures to prevent the spread further and treating the victims.
As the situation tends to rise, all the business owners are unsure of what steps to take next to secure their business and employees. In order to protect yourself from the COVID-19 outbreak, every individual needs to take some precautionary measures first and most importantly don’t forgot to do a lot of hand wash which is very essential.
Here in this blog, I’m going to list down some of the points you should follow during the midst of a pandemic.

1. Create a Plan
As the novel coronavirus is taking over the world, many businesses are striving to protect their companies and employees. As a key precaution, every business should create an emergency plan.
If you haven’t created a plan yet, now is the right time to get started with. An emergency plan outlines what steps your company needs to take during emergency crises such that there will be no/minor impact to your business.
It also lays out what measures you’re taking to protect your employees and business before disaster strikes.
2. Establish a Work from home policy
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the businesses across the world have switched to work remotely. Such policies are put into action to ensure the safety of the employees.
There are lots of online business tools available that can help you stay in touch with your team and continue working wherever they may be.
Establishing work from home policy ensures your business is running continuously and protects your employees from being affected by this deadliest virus.
Work from home policy gives overall schedules of employees, when you should expect your team to be online or available, how to communicate (via email, Slack, or video call, for instance официальный омг), and what deliverables each team member is responsible and timelines of the same.
3. Cut down your travel and meeting
As the virus is still in the earlier stages of testing, scientist are still finding it difficult to trace the reason of the virus’s outbreak. As we all know COVID-19 is similar to the SARS virus which was identified in 2003 it is most likely to spread through person to person contact.
Whatever the case might be, the transfer rate of COVID-19 is high; therefore, it is advised to try to minimize the opportunity of exposure.
So try to avoid physical meetings. Make it simple by Video conference call. Skip any scheduled corporate meetings or conferences.
You may be liable for spreading the contagious virus if you are affected. You will be a medium of transmission if you get infected by the virus through travels.
4. Be Flexible with Your employees.
As it is the time of crisis almost all schools, daycare, stores, other businesses have already shut down.
As our country is slowly moving towards complete lockdown, it is essential to be flexible with the employee’s time.
Some might have to take care of their children as the daycare and schools are closed. Employees are your wealth assets. You should understand the situation when something comes up. Don’t be too stringent with your company’s rules. Already people are in panic with too many things. Don’t add one more burden to your employees.

5. Be Transparent to Your Customer
You are not alone; everyone is facing the crisis as you do. So try to be as transparent as you can to your customer, let the customer knows what your business is going through. As long as you interact correctly, clients will sympathize with brands facing crisis.

6. Plan for long term
China is slowly recovering from the disaster of the novel corona virus which is still continuously spreading across the world.
So the effect will still remain even after the recovery. The ecocnomy will take time to rise and to bounce back. So the backup plan should be for a long term.
“As the recent record states, 27 percent of businesses expect a moderate to a high effect on their sales from Corona virus, and another 30% expect the virus to have a moderate to high impact on their supply chain.”
7. Shift to Online Strategy
It is the most important and primitive measure you should take today. Forced to face the reality of corona virus shutdowns, most of the US businesses, Chinese companies have a handled their business in different ways to not face huge loss due to the crises.
Once the shop outlets were closed and the staff stayed in place, wise company owners changed their selling strategy to avoid significant losses.
For example
During the crisis “Lin Qingxuan” a beauty company in Wuhan have completely shut down their 40+ outlets. However, they take advantage of the digital platform like WeChat to engage their customer digitally to prevent their downfall. As a result, the company has achieved a 200% growth still during the outbreak of COVID-19. Therefore in a way to engage the audience digitally, create newsletters for the user, provide offers, coupons, use full videos content, and more.