Top 10 Schools in Coimbatore Based on Online Presence
Top 10 Schools in Coimbatore Based on Online Presence
Delhi Public School (DPS), Coimbatore.
This school is located in Onapalayam, Vadavalli-Thondamuthur road and this school is affiliated to CBSE board. This school is a part of one of the largest chains of CBSE schools in India.
Social Media Presence
They have 708 likes and 716 active followers on their Facebook page. The page was created in 2011 but has not been updated since 2012.
- YouTube: URL:
They have 243 subscribers on their YouTube channel. They have not updated any content in their YouTube channel since April 2019
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 4.3 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
Being a part of a school chain system, this school website has a moderate number of hits per day.
Estimated visit per day: 430
Estimated visit per month: 12,900
Estimated visit per year: 154,800
Estimated pageviews per day: 2.080
Estimated pageviews per month: 62,400
Estimated pageviews per year: 748, 800
**Website data was calculated in ‘worth of web’ website value calculator.
Chinmaya Vidyalaya CBSE Senior Secondary School
This school is located on Vadavalli-Thondamuthur road and this school is affiliated to CBSE board.
Social Media Presence
They do not have a presence on any social media.
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 4.4 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
The PSBB Millennium School
This school is located in Vadavalli and this school is affiliated to CBSE board. This school is a part of the PSBB Millennium group of schools.
Social Media Presence
- Facebook: URL:
They have 474 likes and 487 active followers on their Facebook page. They have not updated any content on their Facebook page since 2017.
- YouTube: URL:
They have 303 subscribers on their YouTube channel. They update their YouTube channel occasionally.
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 4.2 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
Being a local school, this school website has a good number of hits per day.
Estimated visit per day: 2496
Estimated visit per month: 74,880
Estimated visit per year: 898,560
Estimated pageviews per day: 12,313
Estimated pageviews per month: 369,390
Estimated pageviews per year: 4,432,690
**Website data was calculated in ‘worth of web’ website value calculator.
The Adhyayana International Public School
This school is located in Vadavalli, Thondamuthur Road and this school is affiliated to CBSE board.
Social Media Presence
They have 2053 likes and 2101 active followers on their Facebook page. They update content on their Facebook account 3-4 times a month.
- YouTube: URL:
They have 282 subscribers on their YouTube channel. They update their YouTube channel occasionally.
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 4.6 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
Alchemy Public School
This school is located in saravanampatti and is affiliated to the CBSE board.
Social Media Presence
- Facebook: URL:
They have 196 likes and 203 active followers on their Facebook page. They have not updated any content on their Facebook page since 2018.
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 4.2 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
Being a local school, this school website has a good number of hits per day.
Estimated visit per day: 384
Estimated visit per month: 11,520
Estimated visit per year: 138,240
Estimated pageviews per day: 1,842
Estimated pageviews per month: 55,260
Estimated pageviews per year: 663,120
**Website data was calculated in ‘worth of web’ website value calculator.
Adithya Public Matric Hr.Sec. School
This school is located in Kurumbapalayam.
Social Media Presence
- Facebook: URL:
They have 1,731 likes and 1,757 followers on their Facebook page. They update content on their Facebook page 6-7 times a month.
- Instagram: URL:
They have 41 followers in their Instagram account. They update their Instagram account occasionally.
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 4.8 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
The Indian Public School, Kovilpalayam
This school is located in Kovilpalayam. This is the main campus of Indian Public S
Social Media Presence
- Facebook: URL:
They have 5K likes and 5K active followers on their Facebook page. They update content on their Facebook account 3-4 times weekly.
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 3.9 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
Coimbatore Public School ( Senior Secondary )
This school is located in Saravanampatti and is affiliated to the CBSE board.
Social Media Presence
- Facebook: URL:
They have 1K likes and 1K active followers on their Facebook page. They update content on their Facebook account 2-3 times a week.
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 3.9 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
Being a local school, this school website has a good number of hits per day.
Estimated visit per day: 376
Estimated visit per month: 11,280
Estimated visit per year: 135,360
Estimated pageviews per day: 1,801
Estimated pageviews per month: 54,030
Estimated pageviews per year: 648,360
**Website data was calculated in ‘worth of web’ website value calculator.
Schools in other areas
Stanes Higher Secondary School Trust Association
This school is located at Gopalapuram, Avinashi Road. They have three different streams of education inside the same campus which follow three different educational boards namely AIHSS (Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School), ICSE/ISC Board and CBSE Board. This is one of the oldest schools in Coimbatore.
Social Media Presence
- YouTube: URL:
They have 93 subscribers on their YouTube channel. The updated content on their YouTube channel only once. Since then they never updated any content.
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 4.7 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
Being a local school, this school website has a good number of hits per day.
Estimated visit per day: 376
Estimated visit per month: 11,280
Estimated visit per year: 135,360
Estimated pageviews per day: 1,801
Estimated pageviews per month: 54,030
Estimated pageviews per year: 648,360
**Website data was calculated in ‘worth of web’ website value calculator.
PSG Public Schools
This school is located at Peelamedu, Avinashi Road. This is a senior secondary school affiliated to the CBSE board.
Social Media Presence
YouTube: URL:
They have 19 subscribers on their YouTube channel. The updated content in their YouTube channel only once in November 2019
- Google Reviews: Google shows a rating of 4.1 points out of 5 points for this school.
- Website:
Being a local school, this school website has a good number of hits per day.
Estimated visit per day: 302
Estimated visit per month: 9,060
Estimated visit per year: 108,720
Estimated pageviews per day: 1,427
Estimated pageviews per month: 42,810
Estimated pageviews per year: 513,720
**Website data was calculated in ‘worth of web’ website value calculator.
Based on the public reviews and online presence of the gym, it can be said that the gym is providing good service to its members.
All the data furnished above are presented by ProPlus Logics based on the online information of the businesses.
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